Point Beach Power Purchase Agreement

Point Beach Power Purchase Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Point Beach Nuclear Plant is a nuclear power station located in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, on the shore of Lake Michigan. The plant is owned and operated by NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, a subsidiary of NextEra Energy, Inc. In 2017, NextEra Energy Resources signed a power purchase agreement with Wisconsin Public Service (WPS) to sell the output of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant.

What is a Power Purchase Agreement?

A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a contract between a power producer and a buyer, where the buyer agrees to purchase the output of the power producer for a fixed period of time at a certain price. PPAs are common in the energy industry since they provide a predictable revenue stream for power producers, which enables them to finance new projects and maintain existing ones. PPAs also provide a stable price for the buyer, which enables them to plan their energy costs effectively.

The Point Beach PPA

The Point Beach PPA is a 20-year agreement between NextEra Energy Resources and WPS, which was signed on February 3, 2017. Under the terms of the agreement, WPS will purchase the entire output of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, which is approximately 677 megawatts of electricity. The agreement is set to begin on January 1, 2021, and will end on December 31, 2040.

The price of the electricity will be determined by a formula that takes into account the cost of fuel and operating expenses. The price will also be adjusted annually to reflect changes in the Consumer Price Index.

Impact of the Point Beach PPA

The Point Beach PPA is significant for several reasons. First, it provides a stable revenue stream for NextEra Energy Resources, which will enable it to maintain the Point Beach Nuclear Plant and potentially finance new projects. Second, it provides a stable price for WPS, which will enable it to plan its energy costs effectively and provide affordable energy to its customers.

Third, the Point Beach Nuclear Plant is a significant source of carbon-free energy in the Midwest. By signing the PPA, WPS is contributing to the decarbonization of the energy sector and helping to mitigate climate change.


The Point Beach Power Purchase Agreement is an important contract between NextEra Energy Resources and Wisconsin Public Service. The agreement provides a stable revenue stream for NextEra Energy Resources and a stable price for WPS. It also contributes to the decarbonization of the energy sector and helps to mitigate climate change. Overall, the Point Beach PPA is a significant step forward for the energy industry and the environment.