Contract of Sale Is Divided into Agreement to Sale and Bailment

When it comes to buying and selling goods, a contract of sale is a critical legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the transaction. However, not many people are aware that a contract of sale is typically divided into two main parts: an agreement to sale and a bailment.

Let`s dive deeper into these two concepts and what they entail within a contract of sale.

Agreement to Sale

An agreement to sale is the initial stage of a contract of sale where the seller agrees to sell the goods to the buyer at a particular price. At this stage, the ownership of the goods remains with the seller, and the buyer has no right to take possession of the goods until the fulfillment of certain conditions, such as payment of the agreed-upon price.

In an agreement to sale, the seller is obliged to deliver the goods to the buyer at a future date or on the fulfillment of certain conditions. Once all the conditions are met, the agreement to sale is converted into a sale, and the ownership of the goods is transferred to the buyer.


Bailment refers to the transfer of possession of goods from the seller to the buyer for a particular purpose, such as safekeeping or storage. In this case, the ownership of the goods remains with the seller, and the buyer only has the right to use the goods as outlined in the bailment agreement.

One common example of a bailment is when a person leaves their car at a garage for repairs or maintenance. The garage becomes a bailee, and the car owner remains the owner of the car. The garage has the responsibility to ensure the safekeeping of the car until the owner returns to collect it.

In a contract of sale, bailment may occur if the buyer requires the seller to store the goods for a particular period before taking possession. In this case, the seller becomes a bailee, and the buyer remains the owner of the goods.


In conclusion, a contract of sale is an essential document that outlines the terms and conditions of a transaction between a buyer and a seller. As we have seen, this document is often divided into an agreement to sale and a bailment, depending on the circumstances of the transaction.

As a professional, it`s important to ensure that any content related to legal matters is accurate, clear, and easy to understand. By providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the different aspects of a contract of sale, we can help them make informed decisions when entering into such transactions.